Needlewatcher LLC is a New York State registered Limited Liability Company (partnership) founded in 2015 that provides consulting services in fine art, research, valuations and appraisals, education, exhibitions, oral history, publishing and creative legacy projects. With extensive connections within the worlds of art, museums, higher education, cultural philanthropy, publishing, oral history, historical interpretation and preservation, we provide guidance in research, exhibitions, publications and legacy-advancement planning.

Founder James L. McElhinney with Mobius by Masami Kodama (1936-2022) at The James A. Michener Museum in Doylestown PA

Needlewatcher LLC works with a roster reputable appraisers, editors, scholars, IT, audio-visual, technical, and administrative professionals. If we cannot help you, we shall help you find someone who can.

Contact: Needlewatcher LLC. PO Box 233. Essex, New York. 12936.                                          Enquiries to  info@needlewatcher.com

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